The German Bundesnetzagentur has granted another period for 4 m operation in Germany than runs until 31 December 2020. The permit is valid for Klass A stations, all modes, max 25 W ERP, horizontal polarization and 12 kHz bandwidth.
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300 W PA using 3 x RD100HHF1
This PA has been designed by Sergey EX8MLE and uses three Mitsubishi RD100HHF1 FETs. Please see more here.
Bulgaria expanded allocation
Bulgaria expanded its allocation on 4 m to cover 69,9 MHz to 70,5 MHz 18 January 2019.
Falklands Islands get access to 4 m
Dave, EI3IO, writes that the Falkland Islands Telecoms Regulatory Body has granted access to the 4 m band form 70,0 MHz to 70,5 MHz using a maximum power of 1 kW on a secondary basis since 15 November 2019.